+90 322 441 04 81

Quality System

Agakim carries out its activities with a quality management procedure in compliance with ISO standards. Our main goal at Agakim is to establish sustainable working partnerships with our customers by always providing high quality, fast and reliable solutions. In order to ensure this, all our processes from raw material supply to product shipment go through quality control procedures consisting of physical inspections and chemical controls. Our company monitors all processes that affect our quality within a traceable digital database. Quantitative and qualitative analyses enable us to continuously improve our quality and help us meet the needs of our customers without any complications.

Quality Policy

As a leading high quality water based emulsion polymers producer

We aim to fulfill our customers existing and potential needs by;

Utilising planned proccess control methods in our production without sacrifising the quality, closely following developments

in our sector and improve our service to meet customers demand

Provide continues education to develop and train our work force for present and the future

Establish and maintain good relationship with our suppliers to protect our mutual interests

Adhere to quality management system and continue with its development

Protect the enviroment we live in, and take all precautions to assure minimum or no carbon foot print is left behind

Are the core of our quality policy

Health, Safety And Environment Policy

AS AGAKİM KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. We consider health , safety , quality and environment as a measurement of  value given to human life; and it is  inseperable part of our company policy .
Our priority is to provide World class working conditions where health and safety of our employees is not compromised
Observe and follow all governing national and international laws and regulations of  health,safety and environment 
Sets up targets to assure sustainibilty and development of HSE management system by reviewing whole system regularly with management  team and works representatives
Avoid and eliminate job related illnesses ,and accidents ; by assesing and applying measures to protect our employees , subcontractors  and visitors againts these risks.
Take precautions and measures against all potential  health and safety risks . Utilise open communication channells between employees and management to review these risks regularly
In contributon to employee well being ,provide health screening periodically to all employees to protect them against job related illnesses
In order to assure success of our HSE policy and to increase HSE awareness ; we provide information and training programs to our employees regularly .
To meet requirments of  Environmental rules , regulations and standarts , we shall train and inform all  our employees regularly
Aims leave a positive impact on the environment , provide safe and healthy working conditions for our employees and develope itself with all advancements in this field..
As a company we are aware of our social and environmental responsibilities , therefore in order seperate waste  and increase recycling ;we utilise updated  waste management technics .Our aim is to reduce their impact on natural resources , lower our energy consumption and play active role in environmental protection .


R&D and Innovation

At Agakim we are aware that research and development play an important role in meeting the ever-changing global and sectoral trends as well as the needs and demands of our customers. Thanks to our experienced technical team and pilot production capacity, we can meet the needs of our customers in the most accurate, reliable and fastest way. We pay attention to developing innovative and environmentally friendly products that follow global and sectoral changes in demand and aim to progress towards innovation and digitalization with our second R&D facility, which will be operational in 2021.


At Agakim we operate within international standards. These certifications demonstrate our commitment to meet the expectations of our customers and add to our credibility as a manufacturer.

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